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My Journey

Hi! My name is Krezia (kree-sha) (she/her/hers) (woohoo for double parentheses)!

My journey is as follows:

  • I was a dance director/choreographer

  • I managed and promoted programs & marketing campaigns

  • I designed and coordinated processes and artifacts

  • And I finally put my thinking process into words - design thinking

Each step of the way, I built myself up into a designer - hearing and

uplifting the voices of the people in order to design inclusive, joyful and

intuitive solutions for them.

I currently am an Experience Designer at Baystate Health advocating and

empowering the organization with Human-Centered Design Thinking!

Outside of work, I continuously explore different crafts and adventures

to be constantly inspired by the world and what it has to offer.
Currently, I am:

  • 🎶 Facilitating a music league between my family & friends to share and find new music weekly.

  • 🍱 exploring the food scene in Austin, TX while also cooking up delicious recipes at home.

  • 🎨 a new DIY project - right now I am into water coloring.

Variety is key for me in everything I endure. Always having fun in anything I do is my motto, and spreading that joy is what I love to do! If I could be an emoji, it would probably be this one 🥳.

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My personality invites a warm welcome that makes it easier for me to connect with others.

From being an energetic and fun initiator, I blend things together (such as people and projects) very well.

I constantly am attentive. inquisitive, and actionable in my relationships and certain topics important to me.

My double edged sword is that I am considerate. I am very empathetic, but forget about myself sometimes or am not able to figure out my priorities when overwhelmed.



2nd Place for McCombs School of Business Healthcare Case Competiton

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Eatyourcrust podcast guest

Krezia S - IG.png feature for healthcare & life sciences tasting experience

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Design Institute of Health Student Feature

About: Bio

©2023 made with some playlist in the background.

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